Ethan Casey is a Seattle-based international journalist, frequent public speaker, and author of Alive and Well in Pakistan: A Human Journey in a Dangerous Time (2004).

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The News column: Shall the fundamentalists win?

My column this week quotes at length from a sermon delivered by a liberal Christian clergyman in America, with a not-so-subtle implication that there are parallels to be drawn with the Muslim world, and an O. Henry-like twist at the end:

"The question whether America is a secular nation or in some quasi-official sense a Christian one is as old as the country itself. Muslims, Jews and other non-Christian Americans understandably feel a personal stake in the issue. The nature of Christianity itself has also been debated heatedly among American Christians, with consequences for public life."

The full column is online here.

1 comment:

Zak said...

Mr Casey..nice blog..I personally believe secular fundamentalists can be as cruel as religious only has to look at the 20th century to appreciate that..!